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55 - Universal Ductile Iron Tensile Bar Final Report


Significant progress has been made in the creation of a universal, representative test coupon for ductile iron. After taking baseline measurements of the current standards of a Y-block and keel-block, the authors of the investigation researched different designs that have the opportunity to take their place in industry. In collaboration with Magma Foundry Technologies Inc and Joyworks LLC, analysis and iterations have been made in an attempt to emulate the microstructure and physical properties of the current standards. The novel design of a 10”, 7° tapered bar successfully replicated yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and elongation values of the current standards within margin of error. Moreover, it has the added benefits of the following: easier machining due to its circular cross-section, increased manufacturing speed by preventing delays in the molding process, reduced turbulence, and being more representative.

Non-Member Price: $100
Member Price: $0